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41 Lancaster Street, Ingleburn NSW 2565

Ask for Angus Breed

Join the “Ask for Angus” Movement and promote our Breed

Angus beef breedWe’ve started a website and we’d love to get your feedback and support.  If you visit the site, you’ll see some interesting ways you can participate including:

  • A short survey where you can see what others in your industry are thinking
  • A blog where you can post your comments (It’s easy – you just type in your thoughts and hit “Post”)
  • A video outlining the program in more detail

If nothing else we’d urge you to take a minute and register your support for the program below.
This isn’t a top-down initiative, but rather a grass-roots movement, where you’re encouraged to share your ideas, give feedback and get involved.  We want “Ask for Angus” to become as common a phrase as “the back-o-Bourke”.  We naturally want people to ask for Angus beef when-ever and where-ever they buy their beef and we want to take our marketing to a new level, where no longer do they select their meat on cut alone, we want to them to have in mind the breed of the meat they buy and we want that breed to be black on the outside and pink and juicy on the inside.